General Info. and Policies

General Information and Classroom Policies 

• Rainy Days...

Drop-off: In case of rain, please drop your child off in the MRP before school.  I will pick up all students at 7:45 AM from the MPR.  All students who arrive after need to come directly to the classroom.  See full size image

Pick-up:  First Grade - After school, please pick your child up from Room 18 (inside the hallway near the dismissal gate).  I will walk all students to Room 18 after school and will wait there until all children have been picked up.

• School Hours:

AM Kindergarten...

      7:50 am - 11:15 pm

First Grade...

     Regular Days: 7:50 am - 2:05 pm

     Minimum Days: 7:50 am - 12:30 pm

• Classroom Rules:

1. Follow directions

2. Keep hands, feet, and other objects  to yourself

3. Use polite language and manners

4. Treat all others with respect 

When your child follows classroom rules, they will earn praise, positive notes, and incentives/prizes from our class “treasure box.” If your child chooses not to follow our classroom rules, a progressive discipline system will be used (see below).

 • Discipline Policy:

Every child starts each day with a clean slate. If a child chooses to break a rule:

1st time: Student receives a reminder

2nd time: Student will lose a couple minutes of recess

3rd time: Student will lose entire recess

4th time: Talk to student privately, parents will be called or a note will go home

5th time: Principal notification, parent conference requested

• Homework Policy:

Your child will receive weekly packets on Monday, which will be due on Friday. Homework is important for reinforcing what your child has learned in school.  It is also a crucial step in developing good homework habits that will assist your child throughout their years in school. If your child has trouble with an assignment, please check to see that they understand the directions. If they still have difficulty, you may help them get started. If your child cannot complete the work, please write a note on the homework or give me a call to let me know his/her areas of difficulty.  

As a part of the homework, your child is asked to read to or with you for at least 15-20 minutes each night.  You will be asked to initial each night they read on the “Homework Helper” assignment page. (This is your child’s reading log.)  Kindergarten and first grade are more unique than other grades because your child will need more support, especially at the beginning of the year.

We need to work together to develop good work and study habits for the benefit and success of your child. All homework will be checked, graded, and returned in a timely manner.